Thursday, September 6, 2012

Words of Wisdom

This is in response to the first "Ketchup with Us" link up hosted by two special ladies, Michele at and Mel at

  It asked us to tell  in 57 words or less the best advice you have ever received from someone older than you or that you admire. I would say it came from my Dad.

"Always treat people the way you would like to be treated"  and "Say Please and Thank You"  Good advice Pop. I know your Granddaughters were listening.


  1. Now I know where you got your "super dad" status from. Great advice. He sounds like a very smart someone else I know. :P

  2. That is wonderful advice for everyone. I found you through the Ketchup writing prompt.

  3. I said it before and I'll say it again. I heart the Ragg family. So glad Jud & Bill could bring us together, Wyman. Great post. Very sweet. And the picture is an added bonus. :)

    Thanks for linking up!

  4. That makes me smile. Thanks Michele

  5. Yes sir, we were listening, to him and you. Thank you... I love you.

  6. Yes, Sir, we certainly were, and still are. We were so lucky to have the best role models ever created! Thanks for always paying attention, to him, to Mom, and to us.
    Love you, Dad!

  7. Wonderful post! How important it is to instill that in every child! Thanks for sharing. (Visiting from #KetchupWithUs.)

  8. Every father should teach their children that.


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